
"When it comes to abs, you should only start counting when it starts burning-- those are the important ones that count!" 

Wipe your tears. Look in the mirror. And tell yourself- "You have come TOO far to quit now. Try harder. Don't give up, KEEP GOING." 

Sweaty Now, Sexy Later 


Toned Midsection 

15 hip twists  10 crunches  10 reverse crunches  20 jumping jacks

Midsection Burner 

10 hip twists  7 mountain climbers  15 crunches  20 second plank

Upper Midsection 

12 mountain climbers  15 push- ups  10 sit- ups  10 bicycle crunches

Lower Midsection Burner 

25 bicycle crunches  25 hip twists  15 forward lunges  15 sit- ups

10 long arm crunches  25 regular crunches  25 sit- ups  25 minute run  15 hip twists

Lower Tummy 

25 regular crunches  15 forward lunges  8 plank hip rotations

Full Tummy 

15 regular crunches  15 forward lunges  8 mountain climbers  30 second plank

Muffin Top Burner Quickies 

25 regular crunches  15 forward lunges  25 jump squats

10 jump squats  10 regular squats  6 forward lunges  6 side lunges

10 vertical leg crunches  3 standing mountain climbers  30 second plank

10 crunches  3 standing mountain climbers  10 forward lunges  20 sec side plank

30 second plank  25 regular crunches  10 side lunges  25 sit- ups

Pre School Energy Quickie 

10 crunches  12 mountain climbers  20 second plank  don't forget that breakfast!

Tummy Quickie 

15 hip twists  15 crunches  10 butterfly crunches  15 forward lunges  20 second side plank

Burn a quick 150+ calories: 

25 jumping jacks, 15 forward lunges, 20 squats, 15 vertical leg crunches, 60 second plank

Tight Tummy 
Start getting ready for Spring Break! 

20 crunches feet on floor

20 crunches legs in air bent at 90 degree angle 

20 crunches legs straight in air 

30 second plank 

15 reverse crunches 

15 bicycle crunches (double- count) 

30 second hollow hold 

20 v- ups 

20 straddle v- ups 

20 single leg v- ups (double count) 

Get Killer Abs 
Do as many times over as you want. 

10 sit- ups 
10 v- sits 
10 crunches 
10 bicycle crunches 
20 reverse crunches 
1 minute plank hold

The Flat Belly Workout 

Best Exercises for Flat & Sexy Abs 

1. Reverse Crunch Lying on your back with your hands to your sides, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. While contracting the abs, lift your hips off the ground. Hold the contraction for two seconds and return your feet to the floor. Ensure that the movement is initiated by the abs, being careful not to swing the legs. To make this exercise more difficult, strap on a pair of 2- to 5- lb. ankle weights. The primary muscle worked in this exercise is the rectus abdominis, with assistance from the transverse abdominis and the obliques. 

2. Six Inches Lying on your back with legs extended and hands to your sides or under hips, contract your abs and lift your feet to a height of 6 inches. Hold this contraction for a total of 30 to 90 seconds, and release to starting position. Placing the hands under the hips removes some strain from the lower back. To increase difficulty and engage your entire core, raise your head as you raise your feet. 

3. Wood Chop with Medicine Ball Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder- width apart and a medicine ball in your hands, lean to the right to touch the ball to the floor. Rise up and bring the ball across the body on a diagonal above your head on the left side. Continue through the desired number of repetitions and repeat on the opposite side. If you experience difficulty in reaching the floor with the ball, simply sink as low as possible. Primary muscles worked by this exercise are obliques, transverse and rectus abdominis.

4. Superman Lying on your stomach with your hands and feet apart, lift your arms and legs simultaneously. Press your stomach in toward the ground and bow your back upward. The stronger and more flexible your lower back becomes, the higher you will be able to raise your hands and feet. Muscles worked are the spinal extensors. Do not attempt this exercise if you have a back injury.

5. Weighted Crunch Lying on your back with a weight, medicine ball or weight plate between your hands, lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold this position for two seconds, and return to starting position. To engage the arms in this exercise, simply press the weight or ball toward the ceiling as you crunch up and then lower it as you lower your shoulder blades. The muscle worked is the rectus abdominis. 

6. V- ups Lie on your back with hands extended overhead and legs straight. Lift your upper body while lifting your lower body, forming a "V". Try to reach your hands to meet your feet. Slowly lower back to starting position. This exercise can be a little difficult at first. If you cannot lift high enough to touch hands to feet, lift as high as you can. As your abdominals become stronger, your performance of this exercise will improve. This exercise works the rectus abdominis. 
   Tank Top Arms 
  The Workout 

Inner Thigh Burner 

12 mountain climbers  15 forward lunges 15 side lunges  2 minutes of jogging in place  30 second plank

7 standing mountain climbers  25 minutes of jogging in place  20 bicycle crunches

Inner Thigh Toner 

15 regular mountain climbers  15 forward lunges  12 side lunges  30 second plank

Inner Thigh Trimmer 

10 regular squats  6 wide- stance squats 10 mountain climbers  6 forward lunges


   Ultimate Butt Workout Do this workout every other day, the activation exercises help ensure your glutes are engaged; warm up 3- 8 minutes first get booty! 

1. Activation Exercises
- glute bridge/ hip thrust  3 sets  20 reps
- quad hip extension  3 sets  30 reps  (each leg)
- lying side clam  2 sets  20 reps  (each leg)
- lying hip abduction  2 sets  20 reps  (each leg)
- bird dog  3 sets  30 reps  (each leg)
2. Main Exercises  Pick three; rest 60 seconds per set
- full squats 3 sets  20 reps
- wide squats   3 sets 20 reps
- bulgarian split squats 3 sets  20 reps  (each leg)
- high step ups 3 sets  20 reps  (each leg)
- deadlifts  3 sets  20 reps  (each leg if single- leg version)
3. Stretch  Do both; 30- 60 seconds on each leg
- hip flexors         - piriformis


Challenge: Sexy Leg Workout 
Duration: 15 minutes 
Focus Area: Legs and Core Muscular Endurance 

20 squats  30 lunges  40 calf raises 

50 second wall squat  100 jumping jacks  50 second wall squat 

40 sumo squats  30 leg raises  20 squats

Dumbbell Workout for Mid Section

The Ten Minute Workout

Workout Challenge 

Ab Workout 

Toned and Fit Workout 

 Set 1: Abs 
1 minute mountain climbers 
30 russian twists 
1 minute bicycles 
15 burpees 
1 minute plank (all sides) 

Set 2: Legs 
1 minute squat jumps 
25 leg lifts (both sides) 
30 alternating lunges 
30 calf raises 
50 jumping jacks

Set 3: Arms 
10 push ups 
15 1-legged tricep dips 
50 arm circles 
10 in/ out push ups 
15 tricep dips 

Set 4: Back 
30 second superman 
20 bird dogs 
15 alternating superman 

Set 5:  Stretch 
30 second hip flexor (both sides) 
30 second cobra 
30 second tricep stretch (both sides) 
1 sun salutation 

Burn 100 Calories 
40 jumping jacks 
30 crunches 
20 squats 
10 push ups 


Week Daily Squat Workout 
Day 1: 25 squats 

Day 2: 30 squats 

Day 3: 35 squats 

Day 4: 40 squats 

Day 5: 45 squats 

Day 6: 50 squats 

Day 7:  55 squats

Cardio, Arms and Leg Workout 
Repeat 3x 
20 forward punches 

20 jumping jacks 

20 front kicks 

20 push- ups 

Fast All Body Workout 
Repeat for an Entire Duration of Your Favorite Song 
5 jumping jacks 

5 push- ups 

5 squats 

Intense Leg Workout 
Rest and Repeat 3x 
25 mountain climbers 

20 squats to bicep curl 

20 burpee dead lifts 

15 Minutes is Plenty of Time When You Have No Time 
Repeat 3x 

1 minute jumping jacks 

1 minute squats 

1 minute push- ups 

1 minute mountain climbers 

1 minute rest


10 jumping jacks  10 mountain climbers  10 push ups  10 squats

Repeat 10 times!

50 jumping jacks  20 squats  100 russian twists  10 lunges on each leg
10 side lunges on each side  20 inner thigh lifts 

50 crunches  25 leg lifts  50 bicycles  25 squats  15 sumo squats  50 calf raises  100 arm circles
15 push- ups  50 jumping jacks

Thirty Day Crunch Challenge

Booty Toning: 20 squats, 20 lunges (each leg), 20 kickbacks (each leg), 20 dead lifts. Rest 2 minutes in between sets. 3x. 





Flat Tummy Tips 

1. Drink a glass of water before eating
2. Eat five small meals a day
3. Eat slowly
4. Do cardio 20 minutes a day, five days a week
5. Know your serving sizes
6. Good posture: it strengthens tummy muscles!
7. Swim!
8. Strengthen your core
9. Cut out sweets
10. Do push- ups... Accurately.
11. Do reverse sit- ups
12. Never skip breakfast
13. Drink lots of water everyday
14. Get at least 7- 8 hours of sleep every night
15. Cut down on alcohol consumption
16. Reduce salt intake
17. Avoid stress
18. Color your plate
19. Cut out fast food
20. Cut out soda

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